Illinois Water Resources Center

facilitating water research and education
for the state of Illinois

IWRC is one of 54 programs funded by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) under the
Water Resources Research Act of 1964 to promote and support the restoration,
conservation, and best management of water resources in the United States and
U.S. territories.

Our Mission

The IWRC is a federal–state partnership whose aim is to:

    • plan, facilitate, and conduct research that helps resolve and foresee Illinois and regional water problems
    • promote the development and transfer of water technologies
    • promote the dissemination and application of research
    • train scientists through participation in research
    • award competitive grants under the Water Resources Research Act

We conduct and facilitate novel and interdisciplinary water sciences research that benefits the people, economy, and environment of Illinois, the Mississippi River basin, and the Great Lakes region. The IWRC is dedicated to promoting transformative research and technological advances in water sciences by using team-based strategies to tackle grand societal challenges through collaboration on national and international scales.

“They enlist the intellectual power of universities and research institutes in a nationwide effort… Their ready accessibility to State and local officials.. permit each problem to be attacked on an individual basis, the only way in which the complex characteristics of each water deficiency can be resolved.”

– Statement by the President Lyndon Johnson upon signing the Water Resources Research Act, July 17, 1964

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