

Published Materials

Ng, Tze Ling; Wayland Eheart, J.; Ximing Cai; John B. Braden; George F. Czapar, 2012, Agronomic and Stream Nitrate Load Responses to Incentives for Bioenergy Crop Cultivation, Reductions of Carbon Emissions and Fertilizer Use, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 140:1, 112-120.

Ng, Tze Ling; Wayland Eheart, J.; Ximing Cai; John B. Braden; George F. Czapar, 2011, An Agent-Based Model of Farmer Decision-Making and Water Quality Impacts in a Watershed Under Markets for Carbon Allowances and Second-Generation Bioenergy Crops, Water Resources Research, 47:9, W09519.

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