The National Institutes of Water Resources (NIWR) has released its annual request for proposals (RFPs) under its National Competitive Grants Program.
In cooperation with USGS, these RFPs, submitted through each state’s Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI), have historically funded only four applicants throughout the nation. In the last few years, however, Congress has recognized the unique capabilities of this program and additional funds have been allocated around specific focus areas. In addition to a general water-related focus of the annual RFP(104G), an RFP focusing on PFAs and an RFP focusing on Aquatic Invasive Species in the Upper Mississippi River Basin have been added. All three RFPs require similar preparation and encourage regional WRRI/Water Science Center collaborations. Any investigator at an institution of higher learning is eligible to apply for these grants with research that focuses on water issues of regional and national importance.
Given the potential benefit of these opportunities to the Great Lakes Region, the WRRIs in this region (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI) are organizing a joint informational webinar focusing on RFP preparation and regional collaborative opportunities. We discuss the full proposal process, and funding priorities and give researchers a chance to ask questions.
COST SHARING/MATCHING REQUIREMENT: Each applicant must match each Federal dollar provided to support each proposed project with not less than one dollar from non-federal sources. Please check with your campus business office for allowable sources of matching funds.
INDIRECT COSTS: As per the Water Resources Research Act, federal funds shall not be used to pay indirect costs, however, unrecovered indirect costs on both the federal and non-federal funds CAN be used to help fulfill the Cost Sharing/Matching Requirement.