- Making Up for Losses: A Critical Analysis of Section 404 Compensatory Stream Mitigation Banking in Illinois
Investigators: B. Rhoads and A. Peimer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 2016. - Determining the Fate and Toxicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Associated with Coal-Tar and Other Carbonaceous Material Particles in Urban Lakes
Investigators: C.J. Werth, University of Texas at Austin, and M.J. Plewa, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 2015. - Anthropogenic Litter and Microplastics in Urban Streams: Abundance, Source, and Fate
Investigators: T. Hoellein and A. McCormick, Loyola University Chicago. Completed: 2015. - Statewide Surveillance of Emerging Flame Retardant Contamination in Illinois Waters via Fish Monitoring
Investigators: D. Chen and M. Lydy, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Completed: 2015. - Linking Microbial Community Structure to Water Quality Function: Investigating Nitrogen Cycling During Early Floodplain Development
Investigators: A.L. Peralta and A. Kent, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 2011. - Nitrate Remediation by Iron Redox Reactions in Soils
Investigators: J. Stucki, Z.B. Day, and F.G. Fernandez, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 2010. - Carbonaceous Material Fractions in Sediments and Their Effect on the Sorption and Persistence of Organic Pollutants in Small Urban Watersheds
Investigators: C.J. Werth and Y. Yang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and P.C. Van Metre and B.J. Mahler, U.S. Geological Survey. Completed: 2009. - Methylmercury Bioavailability and Dynamics in the Streams of Piasa Creek Watershed: New Methods of Sampling and Analysis
Investigators: R. J. Hudson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 2009. - Development and Validation of a 3D Coupled Hydrologic-Biogeochemical Model for Evaluation of the Impact of Water-Table Management on Nitrate Loads from Tile-Drained Agricultural Fields
Investigators: R.J. Hudson and A.J. Valocchi, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 2006. - Occurrence and Effects of Pharmaceutical Chemicals in Chicago Metropolitan Area Streams
Investigator: E. Rosi-Marshall. Completed: 2006. - Rapid Solar Transformation of Nutrients in Natural Waters
Investigator: G.R. Peyton, Illinois State Water Survey. Completed: 2005. - Role of Streambed Biofilms in the Removal of Biodegradable Contaminants from Shallow Streams
Investigators: C.J. Gantzer, III, B.E. Rittmann, and E.E. Herricks, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1996. - Selective Isolation of Dissolved Organic Matter from Aquatic Systems
Investigators: J.R. Tuschall, Jr. and G. George, Illinois State Water Survey. Completed: 1984. - Post-Mining Neutralization of Acidic Surface Mine Lakes
Investigators: R.B. Brugam, M.A. Carlson, S. Chakraverty, and M. Lusk, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Completed: 1983. - Biological Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage
Investigator: E.E. Herricks, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1982. - Usefulness of Sediment Oxygen Demand as a Tool for Impoundment Management
Investigators: M.J. Barcelona and W. Wang, Illinois State Water Survey. Completed: 1982. - Sediment Oxygen Demand and Its Effect on Dissolved Oxygen in a Cutoff Meander of the Kaskaskia River
Investigators: B.J. Mathis, Bradley University, and T.A. Butts, Illinois State Water Survey. Completed: 1981. - Water Quality Control and Management of Animal Wastes through Culture with Selected Fishes
Investigators: D.H. Buck and R.J. Baur, Illinois Natural History Survey. Completed: 1980. - Determination of Cyanide Ion in Natural Waters with a Selective Ion Electrode
Investigators: D.G. Rands and R.L. Bain, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Completed: 1979. - Ion Exchange Membrane Methods for Continuous Removal of Ions from Water and Trace Chemical Analysis
Investigator: J.A. Cox, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Completed: 1978. - Rapid Assessment of Water Quality, Using the Fingernail Clam, Musculium transversum
Investigators: K.B. Anderson and R.E. Sparks, Illinois Natural History Survey, and A.A. Paparo, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Completed: 1978. - Cycling of Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Compounds in Natural Waters
Investigators: H.E. Allen, T.D. Brisbin, and K.O. Thomsen, Illinois Institute of Technology. Completed: 1977. - Currents and Pollutant Dispersion in Lake Michigan, Modeled with Emphasis on the Calumet Region
Investigators: P.L. Katz and G.M. Schwab, University of Illinois Chicago. Completed: 1976. - Regional Distribution of the Major Dissolved Solids in the Streams of Illinois
Investigators: M.M. Nienkerk and R.C. Flemal, Northern Illinois University. Completed: 1976. - Complexes Affecting the Solubility of Calcium Carbonate in Water—Phase II
Investigators: T.E. Larson, F.W. Sollo, Jr., and F.F. McGurk, Illinois State Water Survey. Completed: 1976. - Reagents for Determinations of Trace Impurities in Water—Phase II
Investigators: A.L Caskey, R.J. Antepenko, and J.C. Lewis Swan, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Completed: 1975. - Modeling Episodes in Pollutant Dispersion in Lake Michigan
Investigators: P.L Katz and G.M. Schwab, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1975. - Development of Toxicity Indices for Assessing the Quality of the Illinois River
Investigators: K.S. Lubinski and R.E. Sparks, Illinois Natural History Survey, and L.A. Jahn, Western Illinois University. Completed: 1974. - Gas Chromatography of Volatile Metal Chelates: Application of a New Technique to Metal Analysis in Natural Waters
Investigators: R.A. Minear and S. Schneiderman, Illinois Institute of Technology. Completed: 1974. - Sources of Phosphorus Inputs from the Atmosphere and Their Significance to Oligotrophic Lakes
Investigator: T.J. Murphy, De Paul University. Completed: 1974. - Transport Processes of Particles in Dilute Suspensions in Turbulent Water Flow—Phase III
Investigators: B.G. Jones, N.M. Howard, C.C. Meek, and J. Tomkins, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1974. - Investigation of the Chemical Identity of Soluble Organophosphorus Compounds Found in Natural Waters
Investigators: R.A. Minear and K.A. Walanski, Illinois Institute of Technology. Completed: 1974. - Large-Scale Mass Balance for Lead in Southern Lake Michigan
Investigator: Allen C. Cogley, University of Illinois Chicago. Completed: 1974. - Distribution of Selected Trace Metals in Southern Lake Michigan and Lower Green Bay
Investigators: H.V. Leland, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and N.F. Shimp, Illinois State Geological Survey. Completed: 1974. - Determination of the Fate of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Natural Water Systems
Investigators: P.R. McGinnes and V.L. Snoeyink, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1974. - Complexes Affecting the Solubility of Calcium Carbonate in Water
Investigators: T.E. Larson, F.W. Sollo, and F.F. McGurk, Illinois State Water Survey. Completed: 1973. - Nutrient Transport by Sediment-Water Interaction
Investigators: C.A. Moore and M.L. Silver, University of Illinois Chicago. Completed: 1973. - Electrochemical Method for the Determination of Phosphate in Natural Water
Investigators: J.A. Cox and G.L. Lundquist, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Completed: 1972. - Transport Processes of Particles in Dilute Suspensions in Turbulent Water Flow—Phase II
Investigators: B.G. Jones, C.C. Meek, N. Howard, K.Salehi, and P.R. Meka, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1972. - Fate of Diquat in the Aquatic Environment
Investigators: R.C. Hiltibran, D.L. Underwood, and J.S. Fickle, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1972. - Role of Sediments in Eutrophication—A Preliminary Study
Investigators: C.A. Moore and M.L. Silver, University of Illinois Chicago. Completed: 1972. - Reagents for Determination of Trace Impurities in Water
Investigators: A.L. Caskey, F.N. Abercrombie, R.J. Antepenko, G.D. Carlson, R.A. Cox, and P.C. Lindahl, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Completed: 1972. - Effects of Oxygen Demand on Surface Reaeration
Investigators: E.R. Holley, T. Micka, and H. Pazwash, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and F.W. Sollo, Illinois State Water Survey. Completed: 1970. - Distribution of Selected Metals in Bottom Sediments, Water, Clams, Tubificid Annelids, and Fishes of the Middle Illinois River
Investigators: B.J. Mathis and T.F. Cummings, Bradley University. Completed: 1971. - Device for Field Determination of Heavy Metals in Natural Waters
Investigator: R.E. Van Atta, Ball State University. Completed: 1970. - Use of Endocommensal Molluscan Ciliated Protozoa as Indicators of Water Quality and Pollution in Illinois Waters
Investigators: E.B. Small and G.A. Antipa, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1969. - Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrate in Water Using 2-nitroso-1-naphthol-4-sulfonic Acid
Investigators: A.L. Caskey and F.N. Abercrombie, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Completed: 1966.
Published Materials
Peralta, Ariane L.; Jeffrey W. Matthews; Angela D. Kent, 2014, Habitat Specialization Along a Wetland Moisture Gradient Differs between Ammonia-Oxidizing and Denitrifying Microorganisms, Microbial Ecology, 68:2, 339-350
Peralta, Ariane L.; Jeffrey W. Matthews; D.N. Flanagan; Angela D. Kent, 2012, Environmental Factors at Dissimilar Spatial Scales Influence Plant and Microbial Communities in Restored Wetlands, Wetlands, 32:6, 1125-1134.
Yang, Yaning; Barbara J. Mahler; Peter C. Van Metre; Bertrand Ligouis; Charles J. Werth, 2010, Potential Contributions of Asphalt and Coal Tar to Black Carbon Quantification in Urban Dust, Soils, and Sediments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 6830-6840.
Yang, Yaning; Peter C. Van Metre; Barbara J. Mahler; Jennifer T. Wilson; Bertrand Ligouis; Md. Muhit Razzaque; David J. Schaeffer; Charles J. Werth, 2010, The Influence of Coal-Tar Sealcoat and Other Carbonaceous Materials on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Loading in an Urban Watershed, Environmental Science &.Technology, 44:4, 1217-1223.