Formation of Toxaphene-Like Contaminants During Simulated Paper Pulp Bleaching Investigators: R.A. Larson and K. Marley, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1986Effect of Soil on the Mutagenic Properties of Waste Water Investigators: M.J. Plewa and P.K. Hopke, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1984Influence of Chlorination and the Distribution System on Mutagens in a Potable Water Supply Investigators: J.B. Johnston and R. Clark, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1982Relationship between High Sodium Levels in Municipally Softened Drinking Water and Elevated Blood Pressure Investigators: G.R. Brenniman, W.H. Hallenbeck, R.J. Anderson, and A.T. Baukus, University of Illinois Medical Center. Completed: 1981Development of Methods for the Detection of Trace Amounts of Selected Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Amines in Water Investigators: J.C. Means, D. Ellis, M.M. Chaudry, and E.G. Perkins, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1981Routine Water Monitoring Test for Mutagenic Compounds Investigators: J.B. Johnston and J.N. Herron, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1979Fluoride Removal from Potable Water Supplies Investigators: F.W. Sollo, Jr., T.E. Larson, and H.F. Mueller, Illinois State Water Survey. Completed: 1978Asbestos in Potable Water Investigators: W.H. Hallenbeck, C.S. Hesse, E.H. Chen, K. Patel-Mandlik, and A.H., Wolff, University of Illinois Medical Center. Completed: 1977Virus Removal by Chemical Coagulation Investigators: R.S. Engelbrecht and M. Chaudhuri, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Completed: 1969